I now have a free electron server for you to use

My own electron server is freely available for my friends and the general e-stim community at large. I am hosting it myself at my expense on one of my servers.

This instance of Electron is run and hosted by me. I am running it as a way of providing a service to the community that has been so good to me over the years.

So what is Electron?

Important information to consider if you modify your electrodes

I often use self-adhesive monopole pad electrodes when I stim; for me, it gives me a quick and easy way to wire myself up using external electrodes.

I know many penis owners also use them due to their flexibility and ability to be placed precisely where needed.

While self-adhesive monopole electrodes are available in many shapes and sizes, people often choose to trim the ones they have down to a smaller size to increase the perceived intensity levels.

It is a quick and easy way to get a perceived power increase from your control box.

While that is a simple, quick and easy option, it does come with some things that you need to be aware of, hence this wordy post that hopefully gets the message across.

There is nothing wrong with trimming down monopole pad-style electrodes as long as you are careful, and this is where I will highlight a couple of things.

But first, let me tell you about two incidents that I was made aware of from two experienced stimmers who were using pads and had some problems with their use.

So how does the ABox Mk2 stack up against the 2B for audio play?

I really enjoyed reviewing the ABox Mk2 for E-Stim Systems. It is a totally redesigned upgrade of their original Audio Stim box the ABox which came to the marketplace in 2006.

It is great to see that E-Stim Systems are continually improving their range of control boxes. Here is a link to my review of the ABox Mk2.

The ABox Mk2 is a single channel control box with two modes of operation, and these are line in and its internal microphone.

Almost immediately after publishing my review of the ABox Mk2, I started to receive messages and enquiries about how it compares to the E-Stim Systems 2B.

So that brings me to this article. I have spent the day playing with both boxes side by side, comparing both, it was tough to compare them.

Taking the humble blowjob to a shockingly good new level of fun

So picture the scene, I have my Stunt Cock tied up, his cock has several of my e-stim electrodes strapped in place. I am teasing him with the controls on my 2B, and he tenses up saying "OMG it feels like someone is sucking on the end of my cock".

That got me thinking while working towards his happy sticky ending. Whilst that must have felt good (and I could tell it did due to his reactions), how good would a real blowjob feel when coupled with some e-stim play?

Would it be the best of both worlds or end up with me with a pair of zapped lips and a limp tongue Jar Jar Binks style?

If you want to introduce your partner to e-stim then read on

So, here's the premise, you love e-stim. Stimming is one of your favourite ways of getting off, the hands-free orgasms blow you away, and you want to share your excitement about this masturbatory practice with your partner.

But how do you broach the subject without scaring them off? That is the million-dollar question and one that I will be discussing in this article.

The 2B is a powerhouse of pleasure but it takes some experimentation to get the best out of it

The 2B from E-Stim Systems is an amazing, e-Stim control box, but its vast array of functions can be a little confusing for beginners. Read my review of the E-Stim Systems 2B Control Box to see my initial thoughts on it.

Having now spent almost three years getting to know it and enjoying its basic as well as the advanced functions, I thought it was time to write a guide for newbies to the 2B.

I'm going to focus on function or performance tips rather than just going over what is already in the excellent instructions that you get with the machine.

I don't want to be repeating what is already available, so I am going to focus on settings and ways to play with it that will maximise your chances of getting comfortable with this fantastic control box. Hopefully leading to the holy grail of e-stimming, the hands-free orgasm (HFO).

Vacuum pumping combined with e-stim sounding, one hell of a kinky DIY project

A post on smartstim about vacuum sounding got my interest, and I decided after reading some of the comments that I should document building such an electrode to help others make one.

So, credit to miralicious90 on smartstim.com for his fantastic idea and 3D design. I love his simple design, but I have decided to push it a little.

In this article, I am going to take you step by step through the process of making your own DIY penis vacuum enlarger coupled with an e-stim sounding electrode. So you can make your cock bigger and harder than ever before while sounding and using e-stim at the same time.

If that sounds like fun, then read on. See just how easy it is to create something like this yourself.

"Bloody hell, this is one serious piece of kit. The feeling of your cock swelling and the sound sliding into you is extremely intense and once the e-stim control box is switched on it blows your socks off. It is an amazing experience, and one hell of a ride."

Joanne's Stunt Cock

This is quite a long article and so here are some quick links if you want to skip to a particular section.

While generally not painful, e-stim can surprise you if you panic

Catchy title, eh? What the heck is the E-stim Inverse Proportionality Pain Rule? Well, it's a term that I just came up with to cover an often overlooked effect when playing with electrosex equipment.

It is quite simple. The sensations that you feel are inversely proportional to the surface area of the electrodes in contact with your body. So the smaller the contact surface, the more intense the stimulation. Or in other words, you will get a painful zap if you remove an electrode while the power is switched on.

Think of it like this; proportional pain is what we are all used to. Imagine dipping your toe into bathwater that is far too hot. It hurts, and so you immediately lift your toe out of the water to remove the source of the pain. That is proportional pain, if you continued dipping your other toes and then your foot into the water, the pain would increase.

If you were curious about e-stim and electrosex then I have some good news for you

I have written a 22 page guide to the basics of electrostimulation or e-stim for short.

It contains lots of information on e-stim safety, basic theory, electrode options and covers several electrode position guides to help you on your way. Oh, and there is even a handy resource guide at the end.

Penis play made easier and better with a 3D printed cock loop insulator

I had so much fun making my Bumble Bee Tri-polar estim electrode, and my Curly Wurly Bi-polar Electrode.

So, after seeing a fantastic post by miralicious90 on Smartstim.com where he designed an insulator for his cock ring I thought I would have a go at that too. After many trials and errors, basically because I am still a bit of a techno-muppet where 3D design is concerned I eventually designed this. I introduce to you the 3D Printable Cock Ring Insulator.

Image showing Joannes 3D printable cock ring insulator design
Behold, Joanne's 3D printable cock ring insulator

For Teasing Your Outer Labia

I had so much fun making my Bumble Bee Tri-polar estim electrode, and my Curly Wurly Bi-polar Electrode. So I was delighted when the very talented e-stimson on smartstim.com got in touch with me to tell me that his latest design was now live.

I just love his electrode designs, they are created to be printed out at home using a 3D printer and some basic materials. His Curly Wurly design is a favourite of mine, and I had so much fun building it myself. I couldn't wait to get started on this one, the Panty Pleaser as I am calling it.

Image showing e-stimsons's design for a bipolar labia shield electrode
I just love this render by e-stimson of his labia shield design

Organising your expensive E-stim kit can save you from costly accidents

E-stim kit is expensive, so safe storage is essential.

With E-stim Control Boxes like my beloved 2B costing many hundreds of pounds, you need to consider how you are going to store these expensive pieces of equipment. They need looking after and storing sensibly so that you can get the most of your investment.

But, as you get deeper into the hobby and you get so much equipment, storage starts to become a problem? Lots of e-stim boxes do come in their own storage boxes. But, when the hinges or locks break or when you get more than one control box, and lots of electrodes, cable storage and finding the piece of equipment can become a bit of a challenge.

I want to show you some options for storing kit and also run through my own solution to my problem of too much equipment and a forgetful brain. So, in no particular order here are some storage options for you to think about.

It was so simple to upgrade my 2B E-stim control boxes firmware!

One of the features of the 2B Control Box (read my review of it here) from E-Stim Systems is its upgradeability. Unlike other popular control boxes like the Erostek ET312B Power Unit, it is always in constant development.

There have been four firmware updates this year so far, and the latest adds a number of new features and routines. I am lucky enough to be able to test pre-release firmware candidates, and today I decided to update my 2B to version 2.116B Beta version of the latest firmware, and I am already impressed with it.

For Intense Vaginal Or Anal Penetrative E-Stim Pleasure

This is e-stimsons's design for a bipolar insertable electrodeAfter making my Bumble Bee Tri-polar estim electrode, I was contacted by the very talented e-stimson on smartstim.com as he tweaked my design for me making it even better - thank you.

He also came up with this fantastic design for a bipolar insertable electrode for anal and vaginal use. I was immediately intruiged, and he gave me a copy of the design files so that I could 3D print and make one for myself.

This article is going to cover the build of this electrode as there is quite a lot going on with this one, it is much more difficult than my Bumble Bee Electrode for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the design is complicated with screw threads and spiralling channels which will need to be printed with supports. This is to compensate for a 3D printers inability to print an overhang over about 60 degrees. These supports are used to support overhangs such as the ones found in the spiralling groove, and they mean much more post print work is needed to remove them and clean up the model.

So a lot of sanding will be needed to smooth everything out once printed.

The next problem is 3D printed objects by their very nature are porous, and that is a bad thing for insertable objects as you have to seal the surface to prevent bacteria and mould growing inside.

This reviewer and power tools just don't get on

You can find the first article in this build diary in My Stereostim Estim Control Box Build Part 1

This project has been on the back burner for a while now for a number of reasons. Firstly time has been an issue for me, with so many new products arriving for review it is pretty much flat out on that aspect of my site. You could say that I am a victim of my own success.

The second reason is that I well and truly messed up when trying to drill the front panel for the control box. There was I thinking using a pillar drill would be easy but I was doing something wrong. Maybe the wrong drill speed or whatever. In any case, the mess I made of the panel put a real downer on things, and I turned my attention to my reviewing. Vowing to get back to the build when I had a solution for the panel.

I now have one such solution, regular readers will know that I now have a 3D printer (an Ender 3 to be precise) and that has been a godsend for me with this project.

For BDSM clamping and stimming of the labia

After having so much fun creating my DIY Clitrode I decided that making DIY eletrodes is something that I want to explore and as I now own a 3D printer many more opportunities for doing so have just sprung up. My next electrode is a BDSM pussy lip clamp that can also be used for e-stimming.

It was inspired by the amazing creations of @_DeviantDesigns (Check out their Patreon Page and show them some love), in particular their pussy clamp EM60 mounting box. Check out some of their incredible creations here - There’s no limit to the connected sex toys you can build at home.

So, as I am learning 3D design the hard way (trial and error), this was a huge leap forward for me and I decided to create a basic pussy lip clamp that uses two 6mm bolts. The center piece would have teeth to aid in grabbing the skin and preventing it slipping off due to lube and vag-goo. The outer sections are designed to hold two lengths of 6mm conductive rubber tubing.

This rubber tubing will have a wire threaded through it to remove any resistance issues with the rubber and to ensure there are no hot spots. In use it is deisgned to clamp the labia and then allow for you to attach the rubber tubing to your e-stim control box for some added 'stimulation'. It should be a lot of fun, especially in BDSM scenes.

This was the first prototype design, the little icons at the bottom of the pic show how many steps it took to sculpt in 3D using Fusion 360:

Image showing the design of my pussy clamp in Fusion360
Here is a sneak peek at the design I have drawn in Fusion 360

Here are some pointers to smooth things out a bit

Stinging or burning is often caused by either having too much power going through an electrode or having your electrode too small. Other things can also create this sort of problem, and I will cover those later in this article.

Here are some pointers to bear in mind with different styles of electrode.

EStim Resources

May 05, 2024

This page is the hub of everything estim related on this site

Three years ago the amazing guys over at E-Stim Systems got in touch asking if I would be interested in reviewing some of their e-stim equipment. I had to be honest as I had never even heard of estim or electrosex (sheltered upbringing I guess LOL). Anyway, they sent me my first e-stim control box and electrode set the fantastic Series 1, and I was instantly hooked. I had never had a hands free orgasm in my life, and as I enjoy some light BDSM play, it fitted in with that style of fun as well. I cannot recommend that everyone should give it a go, what have you got to lose?

Anyway, this page is the hub of everything e-stim related, and it provides links to the three main areas of my electrosex activities. Reviews, advice articles and DIY self-builds. There are also some handy quick links on the left of this page - the links with the stripey background, you can't miss them >>>

And so my Stereostim build begins

After waiting what seems like forever I have just about everything that I need to start my Stereostim E-stim Control Box build.

There are a few things I still need such as a box or enclosure for it, but I can't finalise the size that I need until after I have to build a test version of it on the bench to check it works and to work out my space envelope for the box.

Here is a pic of most of the components, there are a few others out of shot, but you can see that this has dozens of components to assemble.

Most of the components for the Sterostim build

For hands free clitoral stimulation using a Clitrode

I have only ever used commercial e-stim electrodes when masturbating, but recently I joined a forum called SmartStim - http://www.smartstim.com and have learned so much about DIY electrodes from articles on there.

You can join SmartStim for free, but you need to be a member to read their articles. It's an excellent resource for anyone wanting to learn more about e-stim or electrosex, so I highly recommend joining.

It was while reading some articles on female e-stim masturbation that I saw some fantastic designs for clitoral electrodes or clitrodes posted by a member called "Tank Girl". Her electrodes got my attention as they look so functional and they intrigued me, so I started to design my own.

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