
My thoughts and musings about life as a sex toy reviewer

I hope that you enjoy this insight into my life and what I do. I love reviewing adult products and I will use this blog to keep everyone aware of what is coming up for review soon and also to pass on any thoughts or issues that I have. I love feedback so please use the comments sections of these posts to get in touch with me.

You can use the search function on the site if you are looking for something in particular.

Guest Post

I am delighted to be able to introduce the amazing DerangedPiglet.

I have been following DerangedPiglet for what seems like eternity, I love his tweets and they always have me chuckling.

In this article he chronicles a chastity session with an evil twist right at the end. Enjoy, I know I did. Follow his adventures on his Twitter account @derangedpiglet

Published in Guest Posts, Blog
Last modified on Thursday, 19 November 2020 20:17

Would you consider using a second hand body-safe sex toy afer it has been sterilised?

I am interested in your opinion. As a sex toy reviewer, it is inevitable that I have ended up with lots and lots of sex toys. I don't have the time to enjoy them all as I am always getting new ones in to review.

Storing them all is becoming a bit of a problem, and I need a good old fashioned clear out.

Now the thought of throwing out perfectly useable sex toys is something that doesn't sit right with me. I would rather someone else enjoy them.

I am considering selling on body-safe sex toys that can be effectively sterilised so that others can enjoy them at silly prices. I can then use the money to review even more sex toys, so it's a bit of a win-win situation.

So my question is would you use a second-hand sex toy made out of body-safe materials?

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Celebrate #BoobDay by whipping them out and admiring them

It's finally here BrexitDay and what a cluster that is, so let's think about a much better day to celebrate and enjoy - Boobday!

These pics aren't as grand as others posted on #BoobDay, but they do get a message over. We are all different, there are many body shapes and sizes, and everyone is normal.

Don't think there is something wrong with you if one boob is bigger than the other or if one nipple rests higher then the other. Diversity and these differences make every pair of breasts unique, and we should celebrate that. Imagine how boring things would be if breasts were all the same shape, size and density?

BoobDay is all about body confidence and celebrating the fact that we all different in many ways. Often we put ourselves down but we shouldn't. Be proud of your boobs, be proud of yourself.

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Here are some quick ways to really help support a blogger/author

This is an article about helping to support bloggers and authors. It was created after @MrJohns96669663 suggested a post like this may be a good idea - thank you MrJohns.

Cue the violins. Being a blogger can be a very lonely existence. Sitting at a computer for hours on end writing, editing, re-writing and then saying fuck it I'll start all over again can be soul destroying.

We often stare into the screen clicking refresh on the latest article we have published, hoping that firstly someone has read it and secondly that it has helped them.


The problem is that usually you never know if you have made an impact on someone's life. Over time, the lack of feedback can act as a hefty weight, drawing a blogger into a dark place and often it can be one of the leading causes for them to throw in the towel.

Blogs cost more than time and effort though, there are real-world costs involved which I am not going to go into in great detail, but bloggers often struggle to make ends meet.

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My Stunt Cock is going to be having lots of shockingly good fun

After a very exciting visit to the ETO (Erotic Trade Only) Show in Coventry where we spent a good deal of time chatting to the lovely people form E-Stim Systems, we were given the opportunity to review the Python.

The Python is their first electro-compression system for the testicles. It features gold contacts and a compression plate with three thumb screws that are used to compress the testicles up against the contact plates.

It allows direct e-stim play with your testicles, stimulating your posterior scrotal nerves. My Stunt Cock is in for a real treat while we get to know this amazing piece of e-stim equipment.

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I am really excited after using the Tremor

I am so excited to be able to review the Tremor Sex Machine. This is a ride on vibrator in the style of the legendary Sybian and Motorbunny.

It has some fantastic features, and it blows both the Sybian and the Motorbunny out of the water, retailing at $849. That is an impressive price point for a machine of this calibre and capability.

Lighter. Safer. More Powerful!

Half the Price!

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Electrastim has released a new e-stim control box called the AXIS Electro Stimulator

It is a USB rechargeable e-stim control box that features two output channels together with a host of new features that sound really interesting.

It is always great when a manufacturer releases a new control box as more choice in the market can only benefit customers and hopefully push e-stim in a more mainstream activity.

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I am visiting ETO this year with Stunt Cock and sub'r'

I am visiting the ETO (Erotic Trade Only) trade show in Coventry on the 10th and 11th of March 2019.

ETO didn't happen last year, but I am delighted to see it back again in 2019. I visited for the first time and popped my show cherry in 2016.

I was so, so nervous and found refuge in the lovely Bloggers Corner that was organised by the fantastic Cara from Carasutra, Mel from Voluptasse and Cheryl from HornyGeekGirl. There I met so many amazing bloggers, and I was so thankful for having it there.

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Organising your expensive E-stim kit can save you from costly accidents

E-stim kit is expensive, so safe storage is essential.

With E-stim Control Boxes like my beloved 2B costing many hundreds of pounds, you need to consider how you are going to store these expensive pieces of equipment. They need looking after and storing sensibly so that you can get the most of your investment.

But, as you get deeper into the hobby and you get so much equipment, storage starts to become a problem? Lots of e-stim boxes do come in their own storage boxes. But, when the hinges or locks break or when you get more than one control box, and lots of electrodes, cable storage and finding the piece of equipment can become a bit of a challenge.

I want to show you some options for storing kit and also run through my own solution to my problem of too much equipment and a forgetful brain. So, in no particular order here are some storage options for you to think about.

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It was so simple to upgrade my 2B E-stim control boxes firmware!

One of the features of the 2B Control Box (read my review of it here) from E-Stim Systems is its upgradeability. Unlike other popular control boxes like the Erostek ET312B Power Unit, it is always in constant development.

There have been four firmware updates this year so far, and the latest adds a number of new features and routines. I am lucky enough to be able to test pre-release firmware candidates, and today I decided to update my 2B to version 2.116B Beta version of the latest firmware, and I am already impressed with it.

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