This Is Not A Vagina, It Is A Vulva

Written by  Sep 10, 2019

Do you know the difference between a vagina and a vulva?

The word vagina is commonly used to describe what is in the picture below. But it is being used incorrectly as what you can see is a lot of vulva not vaginas.

The great wall of vagina (vulva)

"It’s not vulgar, it’s vulva! This isn’t just sensation, it is art with a social conscience and McCartney wants people to stop, look and listen. This is about grabbing the attention, using humour and spectacle, and then educating people about what normal women really look like."

I have to put my hand up and admit that I used to call my vulva my vagina. But, as I became a sex blogger, I became more educated about female anatomy and some of the ways it has been misrepresented in the past.

The anatomy of a vulaYou see, the picture above is the vulva. The vulva is the external sexual anatomy consisting of the labia, mons pubis, clitoris and the vaginal and urethral openings. You usually can't even see the vagina unless the labia are spread apart.

The vagina is the muscular tube that connects the vaginal opening to the cervix – whereas the vulva is the external genitalia we see when looking at that part of our bodies.

I know the word vulva does sound a bit victorian and stuffy, but it is the correct word to use. However, I prefer to use the word pussy, cunt or foof to describe mine.

We have a habit of giving our sexual parts nicknames, probably because of their taboo nature in society. We aren't supposed to talk about our sex organs openly, well not in polite society at least. So we often use pussy as a synonym for our vulva.

That isn't a problem as nicknames are cute and fun, but we need to understand that while we are using a nickname, we are talking about our vulvas.

The American psychologist and feminist Harrie Lerner states that neglecting the word vulva does have consequences. She argues that "what is named does not exist". We all know the vagina is essential for penis in vagina sex and baby-making, whereas the vulva consists of the pleasure organs. It has therefore been sidelined due to the perceived importance of the vagina over the pleasure organs.

Do you know the difference between a Vulva and a Vagina? Click to Tweet

Just remember that using the word vagina instead of the vulva is not only harmless wordplay or a quirk. It is, in fact, often used to diminish a woman's sexuality. So anyone who cares about language and female sexuality should recognise that fact and address it where they can.

I love my vulva (I also love my vagina, too). In fact I have cloned my pussy, as well as talking about my vulva and vagina in great length - Is My Pussy, (Vulva And Vagina) Normal?

This is a vulva and not a vagina
So remember, this is a vulva and not a vagina

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