Modeled by sub 'r', she was 'maid to serve' - Boom, Boom (I'll get my coat)

This is a review of one of the most delightful French Maid costumes that I have ever come across. It's from Latex Leather and Lace, it is part of their Allure Lingerie Collection. I love these guys for their ethics and astonishing range of outfits, shoes, boots and kink. You name it, and they stock it.

Stunt cock is training a submissive (sub r), and he took her into Latex Leather & Lace to choose a birthday present. It turns out that she has excellent (and kinky) taste.

"This is now the favourite outfit for submissive 'r', and she looks so sweet in it, almost as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but I know otherwise LOL. I must admit as well that it is also my favourite outfit that she has as it looks amazing on her."


As soon as they both walked into the Latex, Leather & Lace shop, they were made to feel very welcome. The staff there are just so knowledgeable and friendly. After perusing the fantastic selection of toys and outfits, sub 'r' decided that she fancied a maids outfit.

With three to try on, she was ushered into the changing area, and Stunt Cock was left to wait to see how his submissive looked in each. He didn't have to wait very long at all.